Tarix : 2016 Jul 28
Kod 49809

Türkiyə-Suriya sərhədində güclü partlayış: 31 ölü, 170 yaralı var

İŞİD, Türkiyə-Suriya sərhədində güclü partlayışin məsuliyyətin öz üzərinə götürüb.
AranNews , quoting Turkish media that the incident in the town of Qamishli in northern Syria Haseke province, Crescent has happened on the way to the crossroads. 
According to the report, the PKK's Syrian wing of the PLA, which blew up a truck in front of the headquarters of mined. 
At the same time, 30 houses have been seriously damaged in the incident. 
Syrian state television patlayısda the death toll to 31 people died, 170 people were injured and the headquarters of the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Council, including 14 people were killed, including civilians. 
The report also Nusaybin district of Mardin province of Turkey, broken windows, 2 people wounded in the blast said. The injured Mehmet Sait reaper (68) and Nasreddin Look (76) qaldırılıblar Nusaybin State Hospital. 
  • Yazılıb
  • da (də) 2016 Jul 28
  • Göndərən مدير سايت Aran News